[NAVER] Block B Held V-App Broadcast Ahead of Yesterday Release

Article: Zico, "I want to hand over Block B's Producing to Park Kyung"

  1. [+54, -2] I don't care whether it's Zico or Park Kyung just make a comeback please....I'm a guy but I like even all of their b-side tracks I always listen to their song but it seems like they don't promote much
  2. [+36, -0] I'm a guy, but please make a comeback
  3. [+26, - 0] Please make a comebackㅜㅜ

Article: Block B Does Comeback Countdown with Not Zico but Park Kyung's 'Clothes'
  1. [+43, -0] Each one of them are so pretty and lovableã… ã…  My heart hurts since our P.O oppa wasn't presentã… ã…  I wish for this song to succeedã… ã…  Let's stream hard bees
  2. [+21, -0] I hope they succeed !
  3. [+18, -0] Ah I really look forward to their new song
  4. [+17, -0] The concept is so goodㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠ
  5. [+15, -0] Please get 1st♡ (on the charts)...

  1. [+21, -0] Thank you for always releasing good songs
  2. [+17, -0] Jihoon Oppa, let's meet with your bright heart-shaped smileã…Žã…Ž!!
  3. [+12. -0] Block B I'm going to be your loyal fan (or everlast Block B?) I missed youㅜㅜㅜ 

  1. [+42, -0] I hope the song succeeds, Block B whom you trust and listen
  2. [+29, -0] Park Kyung composed the song really well, let's hit big Block B
  3. [+29, -0] Oppasã…  Thank you for letting me listen to a good songã… ã… ã… ã… I'll try my best to support youã… ã… ❤
  4. [+25, -0] I really want to make them win everytime Block B does a comeback ã… ã…  BBCs will make sure for you to win ã… ã… !!!!!!
  5. [+23, -0] Trust and Listen Block B, I love you guys let's meet on the fanmeeting !!
Draft & Trans: Amanda @Veryhensemguy

[NAVER] Block B Held V-App Broadcast Ahead of Yesterday Release [NAVER] Block B Held V-App Broadcast Ahead of Yesterday Release Reviewed by Veryhensemguy on February 06, 2017 Rating: 5

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