[NAVER] Block B performs successfully in Lisbon to the enthusiastic response of thousands of fans, "the best!"

Starnews: Block B performs successfully in Lisbon to the enthusiastic response of thousands of fans, "the best!" (Naver)

[+21, -0] Wa~~ daebak.. Block B let's walk on the flower path

[+17, -0] I'm very very proud♡ Next is Hungary. Complete the concerts safely up to the UK concert and then come back!!!!

[+17, -0] Block B is cool!! Finish your European tour successfully, be careful and come back to Korea~~

[+14, -0] I want to see Block B soon in Koreaã… ã…  I'd like to go to the fansign.. but how do I get there ã… ã…  I miss you

[+4, -0] Block B, Yesterday does well digitally(on the chart) but you didn't appear even once on music shows instead you went overseas...I hope I can see you in Korea as soon as possible!! Be successful Block B, earn lot's of foreign currency and comeback

News1: Block B, Lisbon concert success.. Zico, "Portugal is the best" (Naver)

[+1, -0] Ogu ogu I'm proud of the pretty spicy octopuses (Block B's nickname) ã…Žã…Ž
[NAVER] Block B performs successfully in Lisbon to the enthusiastic response of thousands of fans, "the best!" [NAVER] Block B performs successfully in Lisbon to the enthusiastic response of thousands of fans, "the best!" Reviewed by mintchoco on March 04, 2017 Rating: 5

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