Insolent Housemates Ep 2: Scaredy cat siblings rode roller coaster + P.O terrified by giraffe's tongue
Herald Pop via Naver: [1 Minute Point]‘Insolent Housemates' P.O - Kim Shinyoung - Hong Jinyoung, gives burst of laughter with their rollercoaster ride
- [+37, 0] Their expression are friggin hilarious. Btw P.O never let go of Jinyoung till the end it's so heart fluttering..ã… ã… ã…
- [+33, -0] P.O gave me butterflies.. He holds onto Hong Jinyoung's safety bar and since she's about to cry when the ride ends, he touched her head and cheek while calming her down saying 'there, there'ã… ã… ã… ã… ã…
- [+28, -0] P.O fixed Jinyoung's hair when the ride ends and caressed her cheek saying she did great, it honestly really give me a heart-flutter..ㅜㅜ♥
- [+28, -0] The younger brother who protects his noona, how reliable
- [+25, -0] Ackã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹their expressions are so cute
Star News via Naver: 'Insolent Housemates' Kim Shinyoung x Hong Jinyoung x P.O, viking who only left them with fear
- [+7, -0] I nearly enter P.O's fandom..ㅜㅜ Jinyoung was about to cry after the roller coaster ride so he pats her head and brushed her cheek, it really gives me heart attack..♥
- [+2, -0] Jihoon, my heart really flutters♡
- [+0, -0] P.O is love..
Naver TV: P.O receive a real experience at the zoo
- [+148, -0] Their chemistry are greatã… ã… ã… P.O is so cute when he screamed 'what the hell'
- [+132, -0] Please make their airtime longer, P.O's team has the shortest time alone..
- [+121, -1] P.O is so cute I want to keep him as my younger brother. he's just the style that noonas like
- [+104, -1] The three of them are fun, Kim Gura's air time is too long
- [+83, -0] The three of them are so cuteㅜㅜㅜ
- [+69, -0] I think I'll be horrified too if I was himã…‹ã…‹ã…‹The giraffe's tongue looked too strongã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
- [+201, -3] Isn't P.O crazy, since Hong Jinyoung's knee kept bumping to the front seat he blocks it with his handㅜㅜ so sweet, he caressed his cheek n hair, such flirty fella ..
- [+189, -2] Whoah...Jihoonie is a heart-fluttering bomb... He pats Hong Jinyoung calming her down, touched her cheek with the back of his hand..ã… ã…œ.....
- [+157, -3] I got a first heart attack when P.O holds Jinyoung....The way he brushed her hair when she cried...whoah he's exploding of heart-fluttering moments
- [+135, -0] Whoah P.O for real thoㅜㅜㅜ Look at how he calmed Jinyoung and touched her cheek since she's about to cryㅜㅜㅜ
- [+112, -0] Why does Shinyoung kept droolingã…‹ã…‹ã…‹I'ts so hilariousã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹P.O is really warm hearted and Jinyoung is cuteã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹I really like them who looks like real siblingsã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
- [+109, -0] Please give us more P.O team~~~!!!Their airtime is the shortest
- [+102, -0] I really envy Hong Jinyoung
- [+153, -0] He's flusteredã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ I'll welcome P.O hunt anytime (T/N: The noonas sometimes finds stuff then introgates or tease him)
- [+138, -1] Just how many interesting parts on this video are thereã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹the three of them is so cuteã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
- [+102, -0] They are so cuteã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
- [+78, -0] ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹Jihoon-ah ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
- [+70, -1] Fartã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
- [+57, -0] I burst out and nearly spat my water when Shinyoung fartedã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
- [+113, -0] I'm curious on how it tastes ã…‹ã…‹ Last time he said it tasted like rotten ground nut, this time he said it tasted like soil ã…‹ã…‹
- [+74, -0] Hul he cried
- [+49, -0] ã… ã… ã… ã… ã… How cuteㅜㅜㅜ
- [+48, -0] Even so, he's a maknae that follows what's told even when he hates itã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
- [+41, -0] Kim Shinyoung's expression and P.O crying on the last part is hilariousã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
Draft by @takerudark
Translations by @Veryhensemguy
Draft by @takerudark
Translations by @Veryhensemguy
Insolent Housemates Ep 2: Scaredy cat siblings rode roller coaster + P.O terrified by giraffe's tongue
Reviewed by Francisco Moreno Miracle
April 25, 2017