[NAVER] Jaehyo throws first pitch for Lottte Giants

1. [+36, -0] Hul, daebak

2. [+34, -0] Yooo, he's the successful fan among all successful fans

3. [+28, -0] Our Jaehyo is a successful fan ~^^♡I want to watch you pitch directly on Sajik Stadium~~~~why do I have to go to work?ã… ã… 

4. [+19, -0] If we're talking about successful fan then it's Jaehyo♥ Although I can't personally go there since I'm in Seoul, I will still support you♥

5. [+16, -0] Finally!!ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ You've become a successful fanã… ã… ã… ã… 

6. [+7, -0] Daebak ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ Ahn Jaehyo is a successful fan that does everything he wants as he lives

1. [+11, -0] Whoah I'm an LG Twins fan but amidst all this, Jaehyo is so handsomeㅜㅜㅜ♡

2. [+7, -2] Ha ã… ã… ã… ã…  Jaehyo, t's nice to see you do everything you want to do. I love you

3. [+0, -0] Whoah, adding his visual alone, His proportion are great!

News1 via Naver Sports: Block B Jaehyo throws first pitch in Sajik Stadium

1. [+4, -0] Good job our tangerine

2. [+3, -0] Mr. bright tangerine

3. [+2, -0] A successful baseball fan...I'm supporting you
[NAVER] Jaehyo throws first pitch for Lottte Giants [NAVER] Jaehyo throws first pitch for Lottte Giants Reviewed by Veryhensemguy on April 12, 2017 Rating: 5

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